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Market Research

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Market Research
Market research is the process of gaining information about your target market. Use our helpful resources to learn more about choosing your target market and conducting market research.
Market Research & Industry Analysis
Market research basics - This article explains what primary and secondary market research is and how they are conducted. Tips on where to find market data and other information is also offered.
What is a market forecast? - A core component of your market analysis is the market forecast.
How to create a market forecast - A detailed article on making a market forecast estimate.
Promotion: Get valuable industry data with Market Research Reports, starting at $89
Market forecast example - View this example of a market forecast to better understand the concepts.
Target marketing - The most effective way to optimize your market resources is through targeted marketing efforts.
International market research - Looking to make your business global? Find out more.
Know your industry - Knowing your industry gives you a leg up on the competition.
Market competition - Learn from existing businesses in the same industry.
Online competitive analysis - How does your market competition fair in the online world?
Get more information on marketing a business
Additional Market Research Resources
US Census Bureau Quick Facts - Quick and easy access to facts about people, business, geography, and more.
SBDC office locator - Find an SBDC near you.
US Chamber of Commerce - Get useful business information from your local Chamber of Commerce.

http://search4shared.com/ network/search. jsp?searchmode= 2&searchName=Market+ Research

-Business Market Research Nugget.pdf in My 4shared

-The Art & Science of Interpreting Market Research Evidence.pdf in METODOLOGIA DE

a) Impressive list of resources (should probably start here during your grad school search): http://www.econphd/

. net/
b) Advice for Grad Students: http://gregmankiw. blogspot. com/2006/ 05/advice- for-grad- students. html
c) Information and listings for grad schools:http://www.gradscho/

ols.com/Default. aspx
d) Funding and grants: http://www.aeaweb/

. org/funding/ funding.php
e) Tips for PhD economists in US job market:http://www.aeaweb/

. org/joe/articles /2006/cawley. pdf
f) Massive database of jobs within US Federal Government. Go to “Search Jobs” tab at top of page to specify field of interest, location, etc: http://www.studentj/

g) Global index of careers in economics departments research centers and institutes in universities, as well as finance ministries, statistical offices, central banks, think tanks, and other non-profit institutions where mainly economists are working: http://edircrepec.org/ index.html

a) Contains essays and surveys as well as extensive breakdown of economic schools of thought:http://cepa. newschool. edu/het/thought. htm
b) Great deal of links (organizations, journals, etc.) related to history of economic thought: http://cepa. newschool. edu/het/
c) Economics Nobel Laureates: http://almaz. com/nobel/ economics/ economics. html

P.S. You had me at supply and demand.
a) http://www.bls/

. gov/oco/ocos055. htm#training
b) http://www.csusm/

. edu/rarnold/ economics_ major.htm

a) Excellent site to look up terms of interest and organized in a very user-friendly manner:http://wikicapital. org/wiki
b) Lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT at the undergrad and grad levels!

. edu/OcwWeb/ Economics/ index.htm
c) Online courses (audio and podcast): http://www.oculture/

.com/2007/ 07/freeonlinecou rses.html
d) UC Berkeley courses and various lectures (audio and podcasts): http://webcast. berkeley. edu/new_search. php?q=economics&category=all&type=both
e) Easy-to-follow lectures on microeconomics and macroeconomics: http://web.gsm/

uci.edu/~ navarro/download .htm

a) Top economics blogs:
. com/economics- blog-directory- ranking/
b) Site contains several top-notch suggestions, books, and websites to follow up on:

revolution. com/marginalrevo lution/2007/ 06/how_to_ study_ec. html
c) Best economics books: http://www.facebook/

.com/topic. php?uid=22096598 66&topic=1978&start=30&hash=6f4bfc80b953d2 ee6714a1331190bc 17
d) Current news often filled with economic references and concepts:
- The Economist http://www.economis/

- The Wall Street Journal: http://www.wsj/

. com/
-Economics section of Yahoo News: http://newsyahoo.com/ i/1203

a) Extensive list for data (start here): http://www.econ/

- datalinks. org/search. html
b) For macroeconomic data, definitely consider BEA (http://www.bea/

. gov/) and BLS (http://bls.gov/

c) Federal Reserve System statistical releases, historical data, speeches, and timely research: http://www.federalr/

eserve.gov/ econresdata/ default.htm
d) Nonprofit think tanks that provide in-depth research on fields including and related to economics:
-Brookings Institution: http://www.brooking/

-RAND Corporation: http://www.rand/

. org/
e) World's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software (FREE):http://econpapersrepec.org/
f) Research publications and economic data by National Bureau of Economic Research: http://www.nber/

. org/
g) Ranking of research in Economics: http://ideasrepec.org/ top/

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